A man finds a helpless dog with its tongue frozen and stuck in the sewer
A man finds a helpless dog with its tongue frozen and stuck in the sewer.
In freezing weather, a sick dog got his tongue stuck to a manhole cover.
When a good Samaritan rushed over to help with the problem, the sobbing dog was desperately trying to free his own frozen tongue.
When a passerby noticed the unfortunate animal’s condition, he rushed over and poured his bottle of water over his tongue, trying to raise the temperature and free him.
We see the man slowly pouring the liquid while the dog is agitated.
The dog was eventually released and was happy to approach the man for a pat after his trauma. It is not known if the dog had an owner or was a stray, or if it received veterinary care.
The clip was shot Thursday in Vladivostok, Russia.
This good Samaritan used hot water to help the dog escape his tongue stuck in a frozen well.
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