He was dumped by heartless owner because his enormous tumor
This little puppy was spotted in Chefchauen today and is now safe and in our loving hands. We don’t know why he has such a large dilation at a young age, We do not know why he has such a large expansion at a young age, Our pup is a little boy maybe 3 months old who is very open and happy.
Be with us Has diarrhea and refuses to eat. In isolation and hopefully not as many stray dogs suffer as the parvo virus, whose condition could be deadly in Morocco ! We named it NAVAJO!
We started driving at 4am this morning, driving hundreds of miles just to save our little Navajo, who had a hernia probably due to a hard kick. The incredible expansion was the result of a severe trauma. The expansion was heavier than the little Navajo, and the surgery was long and very risky, but the Navajo had only one chance to survive.
The vet and his team did a great job! The vet can fix his hernia and the Navajo needs a drain and antibiotics for the next 14 days until the vet can check him again. The vet also told us that the Navajo are at high risk of having or contracting the Parvo Virus, being injured unprotected on the streets. Either way, we had to try, give the Navajo a chance to survive and fight for the next few days.
He’s a little warrior! We want to thank you wholeheartedly for saving the Navajo’s life and helping us help him. We are lucky to have you! After 40 days: Check out this happy, healthy and confident pup! The Navajo underwent emergency surgery and we treated him with loving hands for weeks.
The Navajo has changed, only a scar reminds us of what once happened to the little Navajo. If you want to give him the loving home he never had, please send an email to adoption @beldi-refuge.org.
Thanks! The Navajo is now a healthy and happy dog with full care and love.
Watch the Video bellow: