
Helping Pregnant Mama Dog Give Birth Cute Puppies

Helping Pregnant Mama Dog Give Birth Cute Puppies

MEET MAMA CLEMENTINE! She is a young, pregnant girl. She is in labor. She felt uncomfortable and was constantly moving. Predict how many puppies she will give birth to. CLEMENTINE is a wonderful mother.

6 cute puppies have come to this world Puppies, day 12. CUTENESS OVERLOAD!! I seriously can’t stand how cute Clementine’s babies are. Seriously! They bring out my squeaky mom voice! All six pups are doing well and latching on. And mama is so proud!

She is being incredibly sweet with us! The pups are growing so fast and are WILD! So happy they’re healthy and doing well. Time flies when you’re an adorable puppy!

Watch the Video bellow:

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